About Me

freelance website copywriter in Abu Dhabi

CalamusPro – A Professional, Strategic, Friendly Copywriter  

CalamusPro is all about You and Me!

The start of a memorable, enriching professional journey begins here.

Once there was a business owner who needed a writer whose words are simple, clear yet engaging and bring him more sales. And in another part of the world, on that matter, it could be in the same city, there was a copywriter who wrote beautifully and was able to write convincing words. Now what?

Let’s meet and make the best copy!

I’m the CalamusPro, Boby Tariq – a freelance copywriter in Abu Dhabi, UAE. I write words with a purpose that brings you targeted results. I’m a trained copywriter – the one who’s trained to write stories and copywriting.

Now Bit More About Me (CalamusPro):

  • I’ve a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce.
  • I’m a Sun Certified Java Programmer.
  • I’m a trained Copywriter & a Content Writer.
  • I love writing fiction too.
  • I sent my first short story for publication when I was 11 years old.  : )
  • I’ve contributed to an Anthology with my fellow writers.
  • I love traveling with my family.
  • I’ve been living in Abu Dhabi, UAE, for the last 20 years.

Now Let Me Write About You:

  • A startup? A small business? An agency? Or a large company that’s in the hunt for a talented copywriter?

Well, I know you could be any of this. But with similar concerns – trying to establish the right tone of voice for your brand, you’re worried about your website’s bounce rate because it lacks quality content. Your marketing expenses are skyrocketing, and you recently read well-crafted content by a professional copywriter can help your business. So, I’m here to help.

Let's Start

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